Hooting Nanny
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Hooting Nanny"
I would say the black on the chest still bugs me. I'd suggest making it lighter like this http://imgur.com/S4flFkD
Tropical birds are always cool :)
Totally possible. I like that one a lot because it is such a small silly thing crushing your hair down. It's cute and I like that kind of thing. you're more than welcome to submit that one instead if you'd like :) up to you. Probably wouldn't take both though because they are too close in theme then. OR you could make the small one a different color bird and then do the owl changes and have two submissions like a bad ass.
I'm actually a big fan of the small version. I think it's very cute which is great for Trove. I would say just try making the eyes black. As for the larger version, I feel like the head needs to be squared up a bit more to match Trove and then adjusted to have more of an owl pattern on it. Then i would suggest adjusting the colors on it's belly so that the black squares are more of a grey instead of being so close to black so it doesn't feel too busy. I would also say probably use something other than iridescent for the beak and feet. It can look a bit too metal like in certain light.